1 GEX 2 GEX 3 gex.hlp >sec 6 Cannot access a 60Hz timer. 7 Display 8 Sound 9 Controller 10 Keyboard 11 GEX Options 12 Doh! You cannot map the same key to more than one action! 13 Button %d 17 Direct Draw 2.0 is required. 19 Memory Error 20 Up Down 21 Enter Password 22 Enter 23 Use Password 24 Esc 25 Cancel 26 W R O N G 27 Start 28 Password 29 Exit 30 D E M O 31 P R E S S 'J U M P' T O S T A R T 32 To turn on a TV\cPress 'Tailwhip'\c 33 Use The Direction Keys to choose a remote\cand press the 'Jump' Key to\cuse it. If it belongs to a TV\cin this world the TV will turn on.\c 34 To enter a level,\cStand in front of a working TV\cand press the 'Jump' button.\c 35 Press any key to continue 36 GEX could not open or read a file. The GEX disc may not be in the drive, or may need to be cleaned. 37 AVI ERROR: %s 38 Unable to access GEX Web Page. There may be a problem with your Internet Browser. 39 Cannot find readme.txt. 40 Please run LOADER.EXE in order to play GEX. 41 Are you sure you\nwant to exit GEX ? 42 Are you sure you want to\nend the current game ? 43 Another application is using the sound device.\nPlease close that application, and then click Retry.\nIf you click Cancel, GEX will run without sound.